What text will make him chase you?

f you want to encourage a guy to chase you, the key is to create interest and build attraction while maintaining a sense of mystery and confidence. Texting plays a significant role in this process. Here’s a guide on how to craft texts that may inspire him to pursue you more actively:

1. Create a Sense of Mystery

Be Brief but Intriguing

  • Short and Sweet: Send texts that are short and engaging but leave him wanting more. For example, “I had the most interesting day today… can’t wait to tell you about it!”
  • Tease with Details: Share a little detail about something exciting or intriguing, but hold back enough to make him curious. “I found something amazing today. You’ll have to guess what it is!”

Avoid Over-Sharing

  • Keep Some Details Back: Don’t reveal everything about yourself or your day. This will keep him interested and wanting to learn more about you.

2. Show Confidence

Be Positive and Upbeat

  • Positive Vibes: Send texts that are cheerful and positive. “Just got back from an awesome workout! Feeling great today. How’s your day going?”
  • Show Independence: Mention your activities and interests without seeking validation. “Just finished a great book. Have you read anything interesting lately?”

Avoid Neediness

  • Stay Self-Sufficient: Don’t text him excessively or seek constant reassurance. Confidence in yourself can be very attractive.

3. Use Playful Teasing

Flirt Lightly

  • Playful Banter: Engage in light teasing to create a fun dynamic. For example, “I bet you can’t guess what I’m up to right now. Hint: It involves a lot of laughs!”
  • Challenge Him: Pose playful challenges or questions. “I’m trying to decide which restaurant to go to tonight. Any recommendations, or do you have a better idea?”

Encourage Engagement

  • Prompt Responses: Ask questions that encourage him to share his thoughts or experiences. “What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? I’m curious!”

4. Express Genuine Interest

Ask About His Life

  • Show Curiosity: Ask about his day or interests. “How was your meeting today? I hope it went well. Tell me all about it!”
  • Follow Up: Remember and refer to details he has shared with you. “You mentioned you were working on a project. How’s that going?”

Compliment Sincerely

  • Give Genuine Compliments: Compliment him on specific things you appreciate. “I really admire how dedicated you are to your hobbies. It’s inspiring!”

5. Be Spontaneous

Send Unexpected Messages

  • Surprise Texts: Send occasional surprise texts that break the routine. “Just thought of you and wanted to say hi! How’s everything?”
  • Fun and Spontaneous: Share something spontaneous or funny that happened to you. “You won’t believe what just happened! I had to share this with you…”

Plan Fun Activities

  • Suggest Outings: Propose fun activities or outings that you could do together. “I found this cool new café downtown. Would you be interested in checking it out with me this weekend?”

6. Encourage Communication

Ask for His Opinions

  • Seek His Advice: Ask for his opinion on something you’re considering. “I’m thinking about starting a new hobby. What do you think? Any suggestions?”
  • Value His Input: Show that you value his thoughts and ideas, which can make him feel more invested in the conversation.

Set Up Future Plans

  • Suggest Future Interaction: Propose future activities or plans. “I’m planning to visit a new art exhibit next week. Would you like to join me?”

7. Maintain a Balanced Approach

Don’t Overtext

  • Space Out Your Messages: Avoid texting too frequently. Give him space to miss you and think about you.
  • Be Patient: Don’t rush responses or push for immediate replies. Allow the conversation to flow naturally.

Respect His Pace

  • Adapt to His Communication Style: Pay attention to his texting style and frequency. Adapt to his pace and respond in a way that matches his level of engagement.


To make him chase you, craft texts that create intrigue and curiosity, show confidence, and maintain a sense of mystery. Use playful teasing, express genuine interest, and be spontaneous while respecting his pace and space. By balancing engagement with independence, you can encourage him to pursue you more actively.