What text do guys like to receive?

Understanding what texts guys like to receive can help build rapport and strengthen your connection. Here’s a comprehensive guide on crafting texts that resonate positively with him:

1. Compliments and Appreciation

Sincere Compliments

  • Acknowledge Qualities: Compliment him on specific traits or achievements. For example, “I really admire your dedication to your work. It’s inspiring to see how passionate you are.”
  • Genuine Praise: Focus on genuine qualities you appreciate, such as his sense of humor or how thoughtful he is. “You always know how to make me laugh. I really enjoy our conversations!”

Express Appreciation

  • Thank Him: Send texts expressing gratitude for things he’s done or said. “Thanks for listening to me the other day. It meant a lot to me.”
  • Acknowledge Efforts: Recognize and appreciate his efforts, whether big or small. “I appreciate you making time to chat with me. It always brightens my day.”

2. Playful and Flirty Messages

Light Teasing

  • Playful Banter: Engage in light teasing to create a fun dynamic. “I bet you can’t guess what I’m up to right now. Hint: It involves something you’d probably laugh at!”
  • Friendly Challenges: Pose playful challenges or questions. “Can you guess what my favorite movie is? I’ll give you a hint—it’s not what you’d expect!”

Flirtatious Comments

  • Subtle Flirting: Send flirtatious messages that hint at your interest. “I was just thinking about how nice it would be to hang out with you. Any chance you’re free this weekend?”
  • Express Attraction: Compliment his looks or charm subtly. “I have to admit, you have a knack for making me smile. How do you do that?”

3. Show Genuine Interest

Ask About His Day

  • Inquire About His Activities: Ask about his day or how his projects are going. “How did your presentation go today? I hope it went well!”
  • Show Interest in His Interests: Ask questions about his hobbies or interests. “I saw you mentioned you’re into hiking. Do you have a favorite trail?”

Follow-Up on Previous Conversations

  • Reference Past Topics: Bring up topics you’ve discussed before to show you remember and care. “You mentioned you were working on a new project. How’s that going?”

4. Share Personal Stories

Open Up About Your Life

  • Share Experiences: Text about interesting or funny experiences from your day. “You won’t believe what happened to me today! I had the funniest encounter at the coffee shop.”
  • Relate Personal Stories: Share stories that reveal more about your personality and interests. “I just tried a new recipe I found online. It turned out great—wish you could have been here to try it!”

Express Your Feelings

  • Share Your Thoughts: Text about how you’re feeling or something that’s on your mind. “I’ve been thinking about our last conversation. It made me smile all day.”

5. Encourage Interaction

Ask Open-Ended Questions

  • Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Pose open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer. “What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done this month?”
  • Encourage Storytelling: Invite him to share more about himself. “I’d love to hear about the most memorable trip you’ve ever taken.”

Suggest Fun Activities

  • Propose Outings: Suggest fun or casual activities you could do together. “There’s a new movie coming out this weekend. Want to go see it with me?”
  • Plan Future Conversations: Suggest topics or activities for future chats. “We should definitely talk more about [a shared interest] sometime soon!”

6. Be Supportive and Encouraging

Offer Support

  • Encourage Him: Offer words of encouragement for any challenges he might be facing. “I know you’ve been working hard on your project. I believe in you and know you’ll do great!”
  • Be There for Him: Show support in times of need. “If you ever need someone to talk to or just want to hang out, I’m here for you.”

Celebrate Achievements

  • Acknowledge Successes: Celebrate his achievements, no matter how small. “Congratulations on your promotion! I’m really proud of you.”

7. Be Mindful of Timing

Send Texts at Appropriate Times

  • Respect His Schedule: Text at times when he’s likely free and able to respond. Avoid sending messages late at night or during known busy times.
  • Don’t Overtext: Give him space to respond and avoid sending multiple texts in quick succession if he hasn’t replied yet.


To craft texts that guys like to receive, focus on giving sincere compliments, engaging in playful and flirtatious banter, showing genuine interest, and sharing personal stories. Encourage interaction with open-ended questions and suggest fun activities while being supportive and respectful of his time. Balancing these elements can help build a stronger connection and make your conversations more enjoyable and meaningful.